The importance of Healthy Living for sustainable Physical and Mental well-being cannot be underestimated. As there has been consistence increase in Life Style Disorders like Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer and Heart Diseases, it demands the need for awareness about healthy way of living in the community.
At Nisargopachar Kendra, we believe in dissemination of proper and systemic knowledge of Healthy Living in a holistic manner and create a supportive environment that helps one to make definite changes in his/her life style. Such knowledge ultimately empowers the person to take charge of one’s own health, reduce dependence on others and achieve self-reliance in health care. It also helps one to lead enjoyable, meaningful and fulfilling life.
Over and above our indoor & outdoor health care services that help people to change their life style, we also offer various health awareness and training programs that help people to understand about various factors that affect our health and empowers them to take control over their health and life in general.

This is a unique course in the area of preventive health. The purpose of the course is to look at the issues of health in a broad holistic manner and to understand in detail about various factors that affects our health. It includes understanding the importance of major determinants of our health, viz. Diet (Ahar), Daily Routine, Exercises and Rest (Vihar), Mind, Emotions and the surrounding Environment. The course also includes simple self-care measures that one can bring in our daily life to maintain health and take care of him / her in common ailments. The knowledge source is used through integrated approach both from modern and traditional health sciences.
Starts From | 22 August, 2024 (Thursday) |
Duration | 3 to 4 Months |
Structure | 60+ Lectures & workshops spread across 4 thematic modules |
Mode | Online sessions on Zoom app |
Timings | 6.30 AM to 8.30 AM (Mon to Sat) |
Language | Hindi & English (combined) |
Faculty | A team of doctors and subject experts |
Topics | 1. Concept of Holistic Health & Major Factors affecting our Health 2. Healthy Diet based on the principles of Modern Science, Ayurveda and Naturopathy 3. Importance of Exercise, Rest & Sleep, Dincharya – Rutucharya 4. Psychological & Emotional Stress & their Effects of our Health 5. Scientific Tools for Stress Management & Emotional Well-being 6. Spirituality in Daily Life 7. Impact of our Lifestyle on the Environment and its Sustainable Solutions 8. Holistic Self-care Approach in Acute Conditions (eg. Fever, Diarrhea, Cold-cough, Hyper-acidity etc.) & Common Lifestyle Diseases (eg. Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Diseases, Digestive Problems, Arthritis, Obesity, etc.) |
Fees | Rs. 4000/- |
Registration | |
Payment | |
Details | ![]() |
“I recommend every individual in the society to take this life-changing course”
Dr. B. M. Palan, MD, Founder – Samatvam& Founder President - Academy of Hypnosis, India (HHL 2020-21)
"इस कोर्स में सीखे गए बदलावों से माइग्रेन, साइनस, तनाव, थकान-दर्द आदि से राहत मिलनी शुरू हो गई है।"
पृथ्वी पंचाल, टी. वी. न्यूज़ एंकर, वडोदरा (HHL 2016-17)
“I am enjoying sacrificing my schedule for the sake of learning these amazing skills and knowing the depth of the ancient Indian culture and systems.”
Bhuvan Unhelkar, Professor of Information Technology, University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee, Florida, USA (HHL 2021-22)
"स्वस्थ जीवनशैली अपनाने सेमेरी अपनी चक्कर और धबड़ाहट की तकलिफों, सर्दी-जुकाम की समस्या, और बेटियों-भतीजियों में सर्दी-सांस की समस्या, सिरदर्द, आंखों में दर्द, मुंहासे आदि में काफी सुधार हुआ है।"
फाल्गुनी दावड़ा, योगशिक्षिका, वडोदरा (HHL 2016-17)
“I learned lot of new things which we were not taught during Medical school, Residency and Fellowship in Cardiology.”
Dr. Dipesh Gandhi, MD, Cardiologist, California, United States (HHL 2021-22)
“Lifestyle change has put my 23 year old Diabetes on reverse mode. No more Diabetes medicine, only herbal remedies become part of life.”
Hasmukhbhai Patel, Retd. Principal, Anand (HHL 2019-20)
"आहार और जीवनशैलीमें बदलाव से मेरे पतिके यूरिक एसिड, खर्राटों, मोटापा, कब्ज, बेटीके मुँहासे, मेरी अपनी आंखोंकी समस्याओं आदिमें अविश्वसनीय अंतर महसूस किया।"
जागृति भट्ट, गृह उद्योग निर्माता, वडोदरा (HHL 2016-17)
“This is not the course but a movement to create more aware, conscious and responsible society that would take care of the Mother Nature so that the future generation also can enjoy its benefits!”
Dr. Maitri Shah, MD, DCAH, Professor, Dept. of Ob & Gy, Baroda Medical College (HHL 2021-22)
“Anxiety & Insomnia cured without any medicines after doing this course”
Chitra Bhagia, Yoga Teacher & Home Maker, Vadodara (HHL 2020-21)
“It is a perfect integration of Modern Medical Science, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Neuroscience, Psychological and Spiritual Science.”
Madhu Saran, Homemaker, Noida, Uttar Pradesh (HHL 2021-22)
“HHL course has given me wings to venture into preventive medicine”
Dr. AartiRathi, Clinical Cardiologist, Baroda Heart Institute, Vadodara (HHL 2020-21)
"इस कोर्स को करने के बाद, पूरे परिवार की खान-पान की आदतें सक्रिय रूप से बदलने लगीं और सभी की समस्याएं बहुत कम हो गईं।"
हेमा मंगारानी, गृहिणी, वडोदरा (HHL 2016-17)
"मैंने अपनी दिनचर्या में बदलाव किया, दिन में तीन बार पिसा हुआ जीरा खाने से गैस की समस्या दूर हो गई, जोड़ों का दर्द भी दूर हो गया।"
कीरीट भट्ट, फार्मासिस्ट, वडोदरा (HHL 2019-20)