Past & Upcoming Events

YogaKshema and Nisargopachar Kendra jointly organizes a unique program specifically designed for persons with depression “Reprogram Your Neurochemistry to overcome Depression”.
Program Details:
15-day residential program (Presence for the full duration of the program is must)
Dates: 10th - 24th March 2022
Venue: Nisargopachar Kendra, Gotri, Vadodara.
Language: English. Presentation and reading material will be in English. However, participants can interact and seek clarifications in Hindi or Gujarati.
Limited Seats
Program Outline:
The Program is primarily based on the recent advances in the field of neuroscience and positive psychology and will be based on core principles of “self-directed neuroplasticity”. Based on evidence-based research, it has been proven that the brain has the ability to re-program its neurochemistry to overcome depression and lead a life full of Zest, meaning and purpose.
The program is designed with an integrated approach from both modern and alternative therapies with the foundational base of neuroscience. A comprehensive “Outside-in” and “Inside-out” approach to change our neurochemistry to change the wiring of our brain will be used to enable long lasting changes and thus to enhance the quality of life of participants.
This retreat will comprise of -
1) Classroom sessions: Presentations, Group Discussions, Dialogue,
2) Group activities & Individual exercise
3) Yoga therapy
4) Mindfulness meditations
5) Natural treatments like Massage, Steam bath, Shirodhara, Nasya, etc
6) Neuroplasticity based Counseling
7) Cognitive activities like – Journaling, dialogue etc
8) Recreational and Art activities
9) Support group meetings
10)Motivational talks, videos, case studies etc
For more Information
Email: education(at)
For Registration: Registration Form
Detailed Brochure:
Testimonials of Previous Workshops:

Nisargopachar Kendra is happy to announce “Tranceformation” workshop. “Tranceformation”, a Holistic Stress Management and Self-Development workshop is designed by Dr. B.M. Palan and a group of scientists that helps to empower one’s own capacity by reprogramming the mind and lead a healthier and happier life.
Dr. Palan’s this workshop has been able to bring about important change in life of numbers of persons for last 15 years. Interested persons are welcome to join.
LANGUAGE Gujarati & Hindi (Combined)
DATE & TIME At 7.00- 9.00 pm on Mondays and Fridays (Total 20 sessions during 24th Feb to 30th May, 2020)
VENUE Vinoba Ashram, Gotri, Vadodara
CONTRIBUTION 3000/- (Discounts are available for financially needy persons)
Please refer the brochure for more information or call/message , 09426187834 (11.00-2.00 pm).

Gandhi possessed a multi-faceted personality. He held unique views on various aspects related to life including politics, sociology, economics, environment & health and also lived what he preached. What he advocated about a century ago is considered a solution to many of the issues in health care we are facing today. And this holds true for many other area related life. He was a great visionary!
This convention is organized to discuss relevance of holistic approach in health care and healthy life style inclusive of Diet (Ahar), Exercise & Daily routine (Vihar), Mind, Emotions and Environment and to understand life and death in a holistic perspective.
In the first session, we will discuss about need of various aspects of holistic and healthy life style with modern scientific background, role of mind and emotion in health and disease and about food and fasting for health. The speakers for this session include Padmashree Dr. Abhay Bang, who was awarded by WHO as Public health Champion in 2016; Dr. Ashok Vaidya, father of reverse pharmacology in India; and learned researcher Dr. Ashwinikumar Raut.
The second session is about holistic perspective on life and death. What is death from the spiritual perspective? Can we get away from fear of death? Can we celebrate death? Is there anything that can avoid or delay aging process? How far it is justified to prolong life in old age with intensive medical care? Can we improve quality of death and dying? We will have dialogue about such less-discussed topics. The speakers for this session include Shri Pravinaben Desai, a Sadhika from Brahmavidya Mandir, Paonar; Dr. Lopa Mehta, ex-professor, KEM Hospital, Mumbai; Dr. Usha Vastare, a distinguished neuroscientist and Shri Ashok Bhargava, a health-educator.
We have separate slot for Q&A and panel discussion in both the sessions. The discussions will be concluded by Dr. Sudarshan Iyengar, a noted Gandhian.
This convention will be interesting and useful to doctors, medical students, senior citizens and their family members and general public interested in health. Please note that the participation in the program is free. But registration is essential.
For more information, pl. visit: Program details: For Registration:

As a part of our educational initiative, Nisargopachar Kendra is happy to announce the Certificate course on “Holistic Healthy Living”. This is going to be 4th batch of the course. The purpose of the course is to make people aware about various factors that affect our health and the simple practices helpful in maintaining our health. The factors include our diet, daily routine, mind, emotions and our environment. The course will also take care of simple practices that help us to maintain our health and self-care to take care of common diseases in our families. Ultimately, this will help us to take better charge of our health and diseases. Course includes various Lectures, Demonstrations and Practical classes conducted by more than 30 faculty members from various fields. Total course : 250 hours in a year divided in 4 sessions. Course : August 2019 to June 2020 Language : Mix of Gujarati and Hindi. Time : 6.30 AM to 8.30 AM Last date for Application : 20th July 2019 Fee : 6000 INR + 100 INR Form Fee Students feedbackTopics Covered:
- Concepts of Holistic health
- Effect of Diet, Daily routine and Exercise on our health
- Basic Physiology of Human Body
- Health & Diseases according to Naturopathy & Ayurved
- Basic Treatments of Naturopathy like Hydrotherapy, Mud Bath, Fasting etc
- Effect of Mind & Emotions on our health
- Stress Management and Relaxation Practices
- Common psychological issues
- Environment impact on our health
- Yog, Pranayam and Acupressure
- Herbs, Medicinal Plants & Home remedies
- Self care in Acute Disease like Fever, Diarrhea, Cold-cough, etc
- Self-care in Chronic disease like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Skin Diseases etc
- Organic Kitchen Gardening
- Healthy Cooking & Recipes
For more information please contact on 0265 – 2371880 (10 AM – 5 PM) or 09426187834 (Call/Text/WhatsApp Message, 11.00 AM – 2.00 PM) Application Form Detailed Information