YogaKshema and Nisargopachar Kendra jointly organizes a unique program specifically designed for persons with depression “Reprogram Your Neurochemistry to overcome Depression”.
Program Details:
15-day residential program (Presence for the full duration of the program is must)
Dates: 10th - 24th March 2022
Venue: Nisargopachar Kendra, Gotri, Vadodara.
Language: English. Presentation and reading material will be in English. However, participants can interact and seek clarifications in Hindi or Gujarati.
Limited Seats
Program Outline:
The Program is primarily based on the recent advances in the field of neuroscience and positive psychology and will be based on core principles of “self-directed neuroplasticity”. Based on evidence-based research, it has been proven that the brain has the ability to re-program its neurochemistry to overcome depression and lead a life full of Zest, meaning and purpose.
The program is designed with an integrated approach from both modern and alternative therapies with the foundational base of neuroscience. A comprehensive “Outside-in” and “Inside-out” approach to change our neurochemistry to change the wiring of our brain will be used to enable long lasting changes and thus to enhance the quality of life of participants.
This retreat will comprise of -
1) Classroom sessions: Presentations, Group Discussions, Dialogue,
2) Group activities & Individual exercise
3) Yoga therapy
4) Mindfulness meditations
5) Natural treatments like Massage, Steam bath, Shirodhara, Nasya, etc
6) Neuroplasticity based Counseling
7) Cognitive activities like – Journaling, dialogue etc
8) Recreational and Art activities
9) Support group meetings
10)Motivational talks, videos, case studies etc
For more Information
Email: education(at)
For Registration: Registration Form
Detailed Brochure:
Testimonials of Previous Workshops:
Past & Upcoming Events
Reprogram your neurochemistry to overcome Depression