Nisargopachar Kendra offers Naturopathy based Holistic Health Management Program. Our treatment program is planned in four basic areas to achieve maximum benefits for physical, mental and emotional healing. A) Dietary change B) Yoga, Relaxation practices and Counseling C) Naturopathic Treatments D) Physiotherapy, Acupressure & Acupuncture
Most diseases are caused by an imbalanced diet or wrong dietary habits and hence dietary modification is one of the most important parts of therapy in nature cure. Health-seekers are prescribed specific diet programs including juice diet, fruit diet, raw diet, or specific diet depending on their medical conditions. Special care is taken to serve hygienic, fresh and healthy food preparations at the Centre. The Centre makes extra efforts to procure organically grown vegetables, fruits, grains and other food articles.
Fasting is voluntary abstinence from food and not abstinence from all the essentials of life. It should not be confused with starvation. Fasting is constructive, while starvation is destructive. Fasting is the best natural way to give rest to the physiological systems of the body and thereby provides an excellent opportunity to cleanse and repair the system. It helps concentrate the vital energy in order to detoxify the body.
Yogic practices help to purify the Panch-koshas (अन्नमय कोश, प्राणमय कोश, मनोमय कोश, विज्ञानमय कोश and आनंदमय कोश), the five layers covering the Self. Certain yogic practices are used therapeutically to achieve stress-free and peaceful mental status and help enhance organ specific blood circulation to detoxify both body and mind. Morning and evening yoga sessions are conducted at the Centre. Yoga offered every morning with well planned sessions of Sukshamakriyas, Asana, Pranayama, Shavasana and Yoga Nidra by the experienced yoga teachers with focus towards maintaining awareness, co-ordination with breathing and relaxation are excellent learning opportunity. Evening sessions are focused more on learning Pranayama and Deep Relaxation Techniques.
Stress is caused more by the perception of a situation by an individual rather than the situation itself. Psychological counseling helps one understand the issues in right perspective and build positive mental attitude. It helps develop resilience, reduces development of stress and enhances healing.
Regular practice of relaxation techniques helps one to pacify the mind and clear accumulated stress. Centre offers individualised relaxation sessions apart from regular deep relaxation sessions in a group. Services of Professionally trained hypnotherapists are also available for complicated cases. Hypnotherapy helps to change programing of our subconscious mind that guides our behaviour.
Prayer and Meditation helps to calm down the mind and boosts up the healing of both body and mind. Evening sessions of prayer are also followed by educative talks on various health related topics on select days in a week.
This is one of the oldest and most serviceable treatments of hydrotherapy. It helps to detoxify the lower abdominal and pelvic organs. The health-seeker sits comfortably in a specially designed Hip Bath Tub, leaving his feet outside. Hip portion of the health seeker is immersed in the water. It helps to tone up digestion and relieve constipation. It is also helpful in menstrual irregularities and gynecological problems.
In this procedure, hands and feet are immersed in water by making the health seeker sit in a comfortable position. Temperature of water can be hot or cold depending upon health conditions. It is useful in Asthma, Bronchitis, Headache, Uterine congestion and Excessive menstrual bleeding.
A gentle massage of fine water columns through spray on the spinal cord and its nearby parts is called spinal spray. In Spinal bath, the spine is immersed in a specially designed tub so that the spinal cord and its nearby parts get affected by the bath. A specially designed tub is used for this treatment. This serves a great measure in influencing the central nervous system. This treatment is useful in insomnia, Spinal stenosis, Degenerative disorders of nervous system and psychic disorders.
Immersion bath is taken by immersing the entire body other than head in a full size tub filled with warm, hot or cold water depending upon the condition of a health-seeker. It creates an appetite, accelerates the circulation and arouses the nervous system. It is useful in Sleeplessness, Anxiety, Nervous debility, Depression, Parkinsonism, Hypertension, Migraine and certain skin diseases.
Alternate applications of hot and cold compresses causes contraction and dilation of blood vessels and helps relieve congestion and toxins from the tissues. This treatment is given for relieving acute pain in various parts of the body. It is specially useful in arthritic pains, bronchitis, asthma and muscular pains.
The process of exposing the entire body to steam with exception of head by sitting in a appropriately constructed cabinet is called steam bath. Steam bath is a treatment to eliminate morbid matter from the skin. It opens the pores of the skin. It is the most convenient means of inducing perspiration with the help of moist heat. It is useful in Rheumatism, body ache and obesity.
The process of giving hot fomentation using steam with or without herbs to a specific part of the body is called local steam. It is an extremely valuable remedy for both acute and chronic inflammations and pains. It is useful in Arthritis, Frozen shoulder, General Pains, Cold, Cough and sinusitis.
The procedure of cleaning the intestine by introducing a set quantity of water through the rectum is called enema. It is also known as rectal irrigation. It helps to remove fecal matter and toxins from the colon. It is useful in constipation, indigestion, acidity and digestive disorders.
Packs made of unpolluted and chemical free mud are indirectly applied over eyes and lower abdomen through packs. It helps to relieve congestion in the eyes and improve digestion. It absorbs excessive heat from the treated part as it retains coolness for longer time.
The direct application of unpolluted and chemical free mud about a consistency of a thick mush over the body is called mud bath. It improves blood circulation, tones up the skin, thus helping a great measure for various skin aliments. It is useful in skin disorders like Eczema and Psoriasis. It is quiet relaxing and helps reduce anxiety and stress. It is also useful in the treatment of Headache, Sleeplessness, Hypertension, Migraine and Digestive disorders.
This is an oil massage done by a well trained masseur in order to treat various aliments of the body. It improves the blood circulation, tones up the skin and muscles and helps to reduce vata (वात) from the body. It also relaxes and rejuvenates different parts of the body.
The process of pouring a mixture of medicated liquid (Decoctions) / buttermilk / oil on the forehead with continuous and steady flow using a special vessel is called Shirodhara. It gives complete mental relaxation and helps to remove stress and tension. This treatment is useful for the health seekers of Sleeplessness, Migraine, Headache and depression.
Sunlight is one of the most powerful of all hygienic and curative agents. Exposure to Sunrays helps the formation of vitamin D.
Exercise helps to increase the blood circulation and strengthens muscles and ligaments. We have fully functional physiotherapy unit to help the health seekers. A trained Physiotherapist takes care of the health seekers having Orthopaedic problems. Basic necessary equipment is available in the exercise room.
Acupressure helps open up channels for the body’s vital force and helps balance the functioning of various endocrine glands and internal organs. It also effectively reduces pain in conditions like low backache, joint pains and migraine.
Acupuncture is a therapy used to balance the body’s natural harmony by activating the nervous system and major organs of the body. Fine, disposable needles are inserted by well-trained acupuncture therapists over the specific points on the body. It is also helpful to relieve pains and therapeutic benefit in many diseases.